Volumetric Labeling and 3D Geometry Analysis
In this example we will use SciJava Ops to segment puncta only in the nuclear space and create individual meshes for each isolated puncta with geomtry measurements (e.g. sphericity). This example uses a dataset consisting of HeLa cells expressing HIV-1 NL4-3 Vif protein (puncta) and stained with DAPI (4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole, nuclei). The dataset was collected on an epifluorescent microscope at 1.45NA 100x magnification (oil immersion) with 0.1 μm step size between slices.
Using SciJava Ops to segment 3D puncta
The goal of this script is to segment and measure the 3D volume of the individual Vif puncta, but only within the nuclear space. In order to accomplish this analysis goal the script utilizes SciJava Ops to:
Extract the selected channels from the open dataset.
Performs puncta and nucleus specific image processing steps on the extract channels. Note: these are intended as example, do your own clean up steps for your data instead!
Extracts a binary mask of only the puncta from the nuclear mask regions using logical operations (i.e. OR, AND, XOR, etc…).
Create label images and meshes for each puncta within a nuclear region.
Measure the 3D geometry of the puncta and nuclear regions.
Display results in two tables (puncta and nuclear).
To use the script in the example, first download the sample dataset:
Next, open Fiji, the sample image and this script. Click Run to create the script parameter GUI, where you can customize some values to your own data, such as the channel names, channel position and image calibration values.
Once the script has been configured click OK to start the analysis. The script will display two tables (one for each channel with the given channel name) and the labeling output for the puncta within nuclear regions only.
Script parameter descriptions
This example script uses 8 different customizable parameters that impact the two results tables produced (one for each channel). Modify the values in the Channel settings section with the names and channel posistion numbers respectively. The Image calibration setting values are determined at acquisition time of the dataset. The sample HIV Vif data used in this example has HIV NL4-3 Vif in the first channel, DAPI stained nuclei in the second, and a pixel width and height of 0.0650 μm with a step size of 0.1 μm (see the table below).
Parameter |
Value |
Channel A name |
Vif |
Channel B name |
Nucleus |
Channel A position |
1 |
Channel B position |
2 |
Pixel width (μm) |
0.0650 |
Pixel height (μm) |
0.0650 |
Voxel depth (μm) |
0.1000 |
Labeling output and result tables
After the script completes two results tables will be displayed, one for each channel respectively. Each table contains measurements for the size of the label, the volume and the sphericity. Both the volume and sphericity Ops work on mesh objects, while the size Op works on the sample itself.
In addition to the result tables, the label imdage (also known as an index image) of the channel “A” data extracted from channel “B” regions is shown. Note that these labels are 3D (XYZ) and are used to create meshes for the geometry measurements.
#@ OpEnvironment ops
#@ UIService ui
#@ ImgPlus img
#@ String (visibility = MESSAGE, value = "<b>Channel settings</b>", required = false) ch_msg
#@ String (label = "Channel A name", value = "Vif") ch_a_name
#@ String (label = "Channel B name", value = "Nuclei") ch_b_name
#@ Integer (label = "Channel A position", value = 1) ch_a
#@ Integer (label = "Channel B position", value = 2) ch_b
#@ String (visibility = MESSAGE, value = "<b>Image calibration</b>", required = false) cal_msg
#@ Float (label = "Pixel width (um)", style = "format:0.0000", value = 0.065) x_cal
#@ Float (label = "Pixel height (um)", style = "format:0.0000", value = 0.065) y_cal
#@ Float (label = "Voxel depth (um)", style = "format:0.0000", value = 0.1) z_cal
from net.imglib2.algorithm.labeling.ConnectedComponents import StructuringElement
from net.imglib2.algorithm.neighborhood import HyperSphereShape
from net.imglib2.roi import Regions
from net.imglib2.roi.labeling import LabelRegions
from net.imglib2.type.logic import BitType
from net.imglib2.type.numeric.real import FloatType
from org.scijava.table import DefaultGenericTable
from jarray import array
def extract_channel(image, axis, ch):
"""Extract a channel from the input image.
Extract the given channel from the input image.
:param image:
Input image.
:param axis:
Integer corresponding to the Channel axis.
:param ch:
Channel number to extract.
A view of the extracted channel.
return ops.op("transform.hyperSliceView").input(image, axis, ch - 1).apply()
def extract_inside_mask(mask_a, mask_b):
"""Extract the mask "A" data from regions inside mask "B".
Extract the mask "A" data from regions inside mask "B" using
logical operations.
:param mask_a:
Input mask "A", data to extract.
:param mask_b:
Input mask "B", region to extract from.
Mask with extracted "B" region with "A" data.
# create Img containers
tmp = ops.op("create.img").input(mask_a, BitType()).apply()
out = ops.op("create.img").input(mask_a, BitType()).apply()
# perform logical operations on masks
ops.op("logic.or").input(mask_a, mask_b).output(tmp).compute()
ops.op("logic.xor").input(tmp, mask_b).output(out).compute()
ops.op("logic.xor").input(tmp, mask_a).output(out).compute()
return out
def find_axis_index(image, axis_label):
"""Find the index of the given axis label.
Find the axis index of the given axis label. If no
label match is found, return None.
:param image:
Input Img.
:param axis_label:
Axis label to find.
The index of the given axis label in the image.
for i in range(len(image.dimensionsAsLongArray())):
if axis_label == image.axis(i).type().toString():
return i
return None
def gaussian_subtraction(image, sigma):
"""Perform a Gaussian subtraction on an image.
Apply a Gaussian blur and subtract from input image.
:param image:
Input Img.
:param sigma:
Sigma value.
Gaussian blur subtracted image.
blur = ops.op("filter.gauss").input(image, sigma).apply()
out = ops.op("create.img").input(image, FloatType()).apply()
ops.op("math.sub").input(image, blur).output(out).compute()
return out
# crop the input data to a 450 x 450 patch
min_arr = array([370, 136, 0, 0], "l")
max_arr = array([819, 585, 2, 59], "l")
img_crop = ops.op("transform.intervalView").input(img, min_arr, max_arr).apply()
img_crop = ops.op("transform.dropSingletonDimensionsView").input(img_crop).apply()
img_crop = ops.op("transform.offsetView").input(img_crop, array([370, 136, 0, 0], "l")).apply()
# extract channels
c_idx = find_axis_index(img, "Channel")
ch_a_img = extract_channel(img_crop, c_idx, ch_a)
ch_b_img = extract_channel(img_crop, c_idx, ch_b)
# customize the following sections below for your own data
# clean up channel "A" and create a mask
ch_a_img = gaussian_subtraction(ch_a_img, 8.0)
ch_a_ths = ops.op("create.img").input(ch_a_img, BitType()).apply()
ch_a_mask = ops.op("morphology.open").input(ch_a_ths, HyperSphereShape(1), 4).apply()
# clean up channel "B" and create a mask
ch_b_ths= ops.op("create.img").input(ch_b_img, BitType()).apply()
ch_b_mask = ops.op("morphology.open").input(ch_b_ths, HyperSphereShape(2), 4).apply()
# extract mask "A" data from mask "B" region
ch_ab_mask = extract_inside_mask(ch_a_mask, ch_b_mask)
# create ImgLabelings from masks
ab_labeling = ops.op("labeling.cca").input(ch_ab_mask, StructuringElement.EIGHT_CONNECTED).apply()
b_labeling = ops.op("labeling.cca").input(ch_b_mask, StructuringElement.EIGHT_CONNECTED).apply()
# create a table for the "AB" mask and make mesurements
ab_table = DefaultGenericTable(3, 0)
ab_table.setColumnHeader(0, "{} size (pixels)".format(ch_a_name))
ab_table.setColumnHeader(1, "{} volume (um^3)".format(ch_a_name))
ab_table.setColumnHeader(2, "{} sphericity".format(ch_a_name))
ab_regs = LabelRegions(ab_labeling)
i = 0
for r in ab_regs:
# create a sample of mask "A" data in "B" region
sample = Regions.sample(r, ch_ab_mask)
# create a crop needed to create a mesh
crop = ops.op("transform.intervalView").input(
mesh = ops.op("geom.marchingCubes").input(crop).apply()
# measure mesh/sample geometry and stats
ab_table.set("{} size (pixels)".format(ch_a_name), i, ops.op("stats.size").input(sample).apply())
ab_table.set("{} volume (um^3)".format(ch_a_name), i, ops.op("geom.size").input(mesh).apply().getRealFloat() * (x_cal * y_cal * z_cal))
ab_table.set("{} sphericity".format(ch_a_name), i, ops.op("geom.sphericity").input(mesh).apply())
i += 1
# create a table for the "B" mask and make measurements
b_table = DefaultGenericTable(3, 0)
b_table.setColumnHeader(0, "{} size (pixels)".format(ch_b_name))
b_table.setColumnHeader(1, "{} volume (um^3)".format(ch_b_name))
b_table.setColumnHeader(2, "{} sphericity".format(ch_b_name))
b_regs = LabelRegions(b_labeling)
j = 0
for r in b_regs:
# create a sample of mask "B" data in "B" region
sample = Regions.sample(r, ch_b_mask)
# create a crop needed to create a mesh
crop = ops.op("transform.intervalView").input(
mesh = ops.op("geom.marchingCubes").input(crop).apply()
# measure mesh/sample geometry and stats
b_table.set("{} size (pixels)".format(ch_b_name), j, ops.op("stats.size").input(sample).apply())
b_table.set("{} volume (um^3)".format(ch_b_name), j, ops.op("geom.size").input(mesh).apply().getRealFloat() * (x_cal * y_cal * z_cal))
b_table.set("{} sphericity".format(ch_b_name), j, ops.op("geom.sphericity").input(mesh).apply())
j += 1
# display results tables and labeling image
ui.show("{} results table".format(ch_a_name), ab_table)
ui.show("{} results table".format(ch_b_name), b_table)