3D Analysis and Visualization
In this example, we will use SciJava Ops to construct a 3D mesh from a binary dataset, passing the result into 3D Viewer for visualization. We use the bat cochlea volume dataset (more information here) from the ImageJ sample images. The dataset can either be downloaded here, or opened directly in Fiji via File → Open Samples → Bat Cochlea Volume

Left: The original binary bat cochlea volume, displayed as an Image. Right: The convex hull generated by SciJava Ops, overlaid on the original binary bat cochlea volume.
The following script accepts the binary dataset as its sole input, and creates the mesh using the marching cubes algorithm, which is included within SciJava Ops Image. We then use SciJava Ops to compute mesh volume, and then convert the mesh into a CustomTriangleMesh
that can be passed to the 3D Viewer.
#@ OpEnvironment ops
#@ UIService ui
#@ Dataset image
#@ ImagePlus imp
#@ StatusService status
import java.util.ArrayList
import java.util.List
import net.imagej.mesh.Mesh
import net.imagej.mesh.Triangle
import net.imglib2.RandomAccessibleInterval
import net.imglib2.type.BooleanType
import net.imglib2.util.Util
import org.scijava.vecmath.Color3f
import org.scijava.vecmath.Point3f
import customnode.CustomTriangleMesh
import ij3d.Image3DUniverse
if (image.getType() instanceof BooleanType) {
// Input image is a binary image.
mask = image
else {
// Binarize the image using Otsu's threshold.
bitType = ops.op("create.bit").producer().create()
mask = ops.op("create.img").input(image, bitType).apply()
println("Mask = $mask [type=${Util.getTypeFromInterval(mask).getClass().getName()}]")
// Compute surface mesh using marching cubes.
status.showStatus("Computing surface...")
mesh = ops.op("geom.marchingCubes").input(mask).apply()
println("mesh = ${mesh} [${mesh.triangles().size()} triangles, ${mesh.vertices().size()} vertices]")
meshVolume = ops.op("geom.size").input(mesh).apply()
println("mesh volume = " + meshVolume)
hull = ops.op("geom.convexHull").input(mesh).apply()
println("hull = ${hull} [${hull.triangles().size()} triangles, ${hull.vertices().size()} vertices]")
hullVolume = ops.op("geom.size").input(hull).apply()
println("hull volume = $hullVolume")
// Convert ImgLib2 meshes to 3D Viewer meshes.
def opsMeshToCustomMesh(opsMesh, color) {
points = []
for (t in opsMesh.triangles()) {
points.add(new Point3f(t.v0xf(), t.v0yf(), t.v0zf()))
points.add(new Point3f(t.v1xf(), t.v1yf(), t.v1zf()))
points.add(new Point3f(t.v2xf(), t.v2yf(), t.v2zf()))
ctm = new CustomTriangleMesh(points)
return ctm
mesh3dv = opsMeshToCustomMesh(mesh, new Color3f(1, 0, 1))
hull3dv = opsMeshToCustomMesh(hull, new Color3f(0, 1, 0))
println("Hull volume according to 3D Viewer: ${hull3dv.getVolume()}");
// Display original image and meshes in 3D Viewer.
univ = new Image3DUniverse()
univ.addVoltex(imp, 1)
univ.addCustomMesh(mesh3dv, "Surface Mesh")
univ.addCustomMesh(hull3dv, "Convex Hull")
// Extra credit: work around 3D Viewer's lack of object inspection panel
// with a mini-GUI that makes it easy to toggle each displayed object.
import javax.swing.*
togglePanel = new JPanel()
togglePanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(togglePanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS))
def checkbox(name) {
jcb = new JCheckBox(name)
jcb.addActionListener { e -> univ.getContent(name).setVisible(e.getSource().isSelected()) }
return jcb
togglePanel.add(checkbox("Surface Mesh"))
togglePanel.add(checkbox("Convex Hull"))
toggleFrame = new JFrame("Toggle Mesh Visibility")
toggleFrame.setSize(600, 300)