Scripting in Fiji

Scripts provide a simple, familiar interface for accessing SciJava Ops and allows combination with additional resources for image processing and beyond. The following page will explain how you can write a script in Fiji’s Script Editor that utilizes Ops for image processing.

Obtaining an OpEnvironment

To run Ops we always start with an OpEnvironment. Within Fiji, the easiest way to obtain an OpEnvironment is to declare it as a script parameter:

#@ OpEnvironment ops

Setting inputs and outputs

A good starting point is to declare script parameters that match your desired Op’s parameters. When performing image processing, we are operating on an existing image; we also want to create an output image in the script so that our result will be shown. The following lines use SciJava script parameters to obtain the active image as an input along with a user-defined sigma, while establishing our output.

#@ Img imgInput
#@ Double sigma
#@output Img out

Calling Ops

The OpBuilder syntax should be used to retrieve and execute Ops from the OpEnvironment. The following line executes a Gaussian blur on an input image using a filter.gauss Op:

out = ops.op("filter.gauss").input(imgInput, sigma).apply()

Putting it all together

The below script can be pasted into the Script Editor. Ensure that the Script Editor is configured to run a Groovy script (Language → Groovy in the Script Editor menu).

#@ OpEnvironment ops
#@ Img imgInput
#@ Double sigma
#@output Img out

// Call our Op!
out = ops.op("filter.gauss").input(imgInput, sigma).apply()

Add your Op to the menu

If you want to reuse an Op outside of the script editor: good news! All SciJava scripts are runnable as ImageJ commands, and can be installed into your Fiji installation. For example, suppose we create new nested folders in our directory: first a Plugins folder (if it does not already exist), and then inside of that, a new Ops folder. If we then save our script there as Filter_Gauss.groovy (or similar—just don’t forget the _!) then after re-starting Fiji we can run our Op from the Plugins → Ops menu, which matches the folder structure we created. The command will also be accessible from the search bar.

Next steps

Check out the How-To Guides for important information like how to explore the available Ops.

Check out some examples such as image deconvolution or FLIM analysis to see more complete cases of Ops being used in the Script Editor!