

One easy way to use SciJava Ops is within Fiji, using SciJava’s Script Editor. Note that to use Fiji, you must use Java 11+. Instructions on using Java 11+ for Fiji can be found here.

Installing SciJava Ops

You can install SciJava Ops into Fiji by enabling the SciJava Ops update site, as described in the Update site tutorial.

  1. With Fiji open, navigate to Help → Update...

  2. Click Manage Update Sites

  3. In the Search bar at the top of the popup, search SciJava Ops

  4. Find the SciJava Ops row, and check the checkbox in the Active column.

  5. Click Apply and Close. You should see many items appear in the ImageJ Updater table.

  6. Click Apply Changes

  7. Restart Fiji